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Can your 20cm x 3m Oil Absorbent Boom do this?

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-04-06      Origin: Site

The Oil Adsorbent Boom from LHY.
Using crude oil as an example.

Deploy the boom. On contact with crude oil, it begins to adsorb immediately. Faster than your current boom (a saving on recovery down time for the responders).

The first use adsorption capacity of the boom is up to 85L and then here is were the difference to your current boom continues.

Recover the crude in a controlled manner, squeeze or press (with no water content).

Unlike your current boom which will now be saturated and may need to be replaced with a new boom, with our Boom you can now redeploy it.

It will adsorb up to a further 40L of crude and still enable you to recover the crude with no water content. That's 125L of recoverable (in this case), Crude Oil.

If your supplier says yes their boom will do the same, ask for validated data which should confirm this.

With our  Oil adsorbent boom you can reinvent your Oil Spill Control Inventory stock holdings.

As long as you have a controlled process in place for recovering spilt hydrocarbons, the days of one use only oil absorbent booms are over!

I could go on but if you want more information on how to get so much more out of your Oil Spill Inventory, simply contact me at: Cindy@lihua-y.com


If you have any question,
please contact us and we will be happy to serve you !

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